Virtual | July 03, 2024
Webinar | Labor and Criminal Effects of the Reform to the Human Trafficking Law - Event in Spanish

Event in Spanish

In the context of the recent reform to the Human Trafficking Law, which establishes that it is a crime for individuals and companies to require people to work beyond the maximum hours approved by law, we would like to extend a cordial invitation to our webinar titled "Labor and Criminal Effects of the Reform to the Human Trafficking Law" In this webinar, our team of experts in Labor Law will collaborate with specialists in criminal law from the firm "Islas, Moya, Salinas y Madero, S.C." to analyze the details of this reform and determine under what circumstances extended working hours could be considered a criminal offense.


Event Details:

  • Date: July 3, 2024
  • Time: 08:30 - 10:30 hrs



  • Working hours
  • Overtime and work on rest days
  • Labor inspections and penalties
  • Differentiation between human trafficking and labor legislation


  • TBD
  • TBD
  • TBD



Alfredo Kupfer Domínguez
Sánchez Devanny

Rodrigo Madero Mesa
Islas, Moya, Salinas y Madero, SC

Fermín Lecumberri Cano
Senior Associate
Sánchez Devanny


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    July 03, 2024

    Webinar | Labor and Criminal Effects of the Reform to the Human Trafficking Law - Event in Spanish

    Event detail