By Georgina Gutiérrez and Enrique Cruz | May 24, 2024
The Fundamental Role of Women in Sustainability: Driving Change Towards a Sustainable Future,” by Georgina Gutiérrez and Enrique Cruz
The Fundamental Role of Women in Sustainability: Driving Change Towards a Sustainable Future,” by Georgina Gutiérrez and Enrique Cruz

The Sustainable Development Goals (ODS as per its acronym in Spanish) are a global initiative addressing critical challenges, from eradicating poverty to protecting the environment. The ODS focused on gender equality promotes peace, stability, and growth, serving as a catalyst for achieving other ODS.

Learn more about the goals of ODS 5 and how implementing a gender agenda can transform our society in the article, "The Fundamental Role of Women in Sustainability: Driving Change Towards a Sustainable Future,” prepared by our partner Georgina Gutiérrez and our associate Enrique Cruz from the ESG industry group for Legal Industry Reviews – Mexico.

Read this article here.

To see the full publication, click here.



Georgina Gutiérrez-Barbosa | Partner

[email protected]

José Enrique Cruz-Lozano | Associate

[email protected]

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