By Sánchez Devanny | December 18, 2023
Our Firm Secures the Unconstitutionality of Mining Operations Reform
Our Firm Secures the Unconstitutionality of Mining Operations Reform

Our specialized teams in Administrative Litigation and Energy and Natural Resources played a crucial role in advising a foreign company with operations in Mexico in the defense of its mining operations against the "Decree amending various provisions of the Mining Law, the National Water Law, the General Law of Ecological Equilibrium and Environmental Protection, and the General Law for the Prevention and Comprehensive Management of Waste, regarding concessions for mining and water" (the "Reform" or the "Decree"), published on May 8, 2023, in the Official Gazette of the Federation.

After filing an amparo lawsuit against the Decree, our firm obtained a judgment in which a District Judge declared its unconstitutionality, ordering its non-application for the benefit of our client. This allows the company to continue its operations under pre-existing regulations. It is expected that during the year 2024, these matters will reach the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation for a definitive ruling on the constitutionality or unconstitutionality of the Reform.

This success highlights the dedication and expertise of our firm in defending the interests of our clients against significant regulatory challenges.

Note: Specific details of the legal advice and challenges overcome remain confidential due to the private nature of the transaction.



Guillermo Villasenor-Tadeo


[email protected]

Jose Antonio Postigo-Uribe


[email protected]

Max Ernesto Hernandez-Ernult

Senior Associate

[email protected]

Mauricio Alejandro Leon-Alvarado


[email protected]

Daniel Emilio Bucio-Cruz


[email protected]

Frida Angelica Salgado-Roman

Law Clerk

[email protected]

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